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Take Control of What You Watch!

Streaming TV is the perfect compliment to your Amplex service. 

Stop wasting money on over-priced cable service and take control.

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New To Streaming TV?

There are many TV streaming services, but deciding which ones are right for you can be challenging. Now, you can use the Amplex MyBundleTV tool to get personalized recommendations. Just answer a few questions, select the channels you watch, and you'll receive custom recommendations!

Couple watching TV

Already Streaming?

Did you know there is a world of streaming services beyond household favorites like Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime? To discover new options you can add to your existing streaming lineup, visit our marketplace. There you can browse and sign up for 130+ unique streaming services to build a TV package that fits all of your viewing needs.

Family watching TV

MyBundle TV App

An easy way to discover and manage all your streaming subscriptions in one place with MyBundle!

  • Get notifications on where your favorite shows are coming back and where to watch.

  • Manage your Streaming Choice Card and streamline your entertainment budget.

  • Keep track of and manage all your subscriptions in one place.

Streaming TV FAQ

Streaming TV is entertainment transmitted over the internet instead of a cable or satellite box. With our reliable internet, you can stream your favorite TV channels, shows, movies, documentaries, and more – live or on demand. Using a streaming device or smart TV, you can watch services on your TV, or you can stream them on your computer or mobile devices.

Cable TV is constantly getting more expensive and often includes more channels than you actually watch. With Streaming, you can enjoy the same content and channels you’re used to in a more affordable package. Beyond live TV, with streaming you can access low-cost or free services that offer movies, shows and documentaries that match your interests. Streaming also provides you the ability to watch your favorite content wherever and however you want.

We’ve partnered with MyBundle to help simplify your streaming TV experience because we know it can be confusing. My Bundle’s suite of free tools help you eliminate all the work needed to find the streaming services that have the content you want. Whether it’s finding a replacement for cable or satellite with the channels you need, discovering new streaming services that match your interests, or deciding what to watch next – MyBundle can help. (Plus it can save you money and hours in the process!)

Answer a few questions about your lifestyle and viewing preferences. Input your zip code. Select your must-have live TV channels and Find My Bundle will present the best streaming TV service(s) for you to replace cable TV. Enter your email if you’d like a copy of your results or go ahead and sign-up for the service(s) that best matches your needs and budget right there.

Support Links for Popular Streaming Services