Is Fiber Optic Internet Better Than Cable?

Having trouble choosing your Internet service? We use the Internet every day, and many of us rely on it. Because it is such a huge part of our lives, choosing the wrong Internet service can cause some serious frustration. And to the average consumer, the level of detail and jargon associated with choosing Internet providers may be very overwhelming.
Today, we hope to break down one of the most important decisions an Internet shopper must make: fiber-optic Internet or cable Internet? Which is better, faster, and more reliable?
What’s the Difference between Fiber Optic Internet and Cable?
Cable Internet transmits information similarly to cable television. Cable Internet users have copper wire cable that carries electricity and attaches to their cable modem, which transmits the Internet service. Meanwhile, fiber-optic Internet uses cables made of tiny, reflective mirrors that bounce light signals around them at incredible speeds. Fiber-optic cables use no electricity, just a series of bouncing light particles. It sounds futuristic because it is!
Benefits of Fiber-Optic Internet
The first and most obvious difference between fiber optic Internet and cable Internet is speed. Because fiber optic cables transmit light, they are much faster than copper cable cords transmitting electricity—fiber optic transmits data at the speed of light.
Another factor to consider is reliability. If there is a storm and the power goes out, cable Internet would be obsolete. But because fiber optic cables do not rely on electricity, it would continue to do its job, storm or no storm. Also, while copper cables conduct electricity, fiber-optic cables are usually plastic, making them poor conductors and are much less likely to be struck by lightning.
Fiber-optic is also much better for long-distance communication. Thanks to its speed, there is significantly less lag when compared to its copper counterpart, and the difference becomes more noticeable when the distance becomes longer.
One of the only downsides to fiber-optic cable is that it is sometimes less accessible than cable. Because cable has been around for many decades, it is available in most non-rural areas. Meanwhile, fiber-optic cable is relatively new, and availability can be limited when compared to cable. Lastly, in many cases, fiber-optic prices are actually cheaper than cable.
Internet provider shopping can seem stressful, but we are here to help!
For all your fiber-optic needs, Amplex has you covered. With many options to choose from, Amplex will make your Internet shopping experience as straightforward as possible.